Masters of ceremonies

Meet our celebrants

Who we are?

fot. Michał Ramus

Master of ceremony, also known as the celebrant

A celebrant is the person who will conduct your wedding ceremony. You can count on their experience and support at every moment of the day. Their role is also to guide you through the whole process – so that you don't have to worry about anything. All you have to do is show up!

We understand your needs and dreams

We are all highly sensitive people. We have a lot of experience in running events, organising them, making speeches and working on our vocal abilities. Some of the members of our team are true polyglots, our record holder speaks... 6 languages!

What kind of training do the celebrants have?

It all starts with a carefully prepared recruitment

After years of experience, we can tell on spot which candidates will make good celebrants. Suffice to say that during the last recruitment, out of over 100 submitted CVs, we chose only 8 people!

Our standards

We have a training program (which we improve along with the development of the wedding market and changes in trends) and an original manual for celebrants. There is no room for guessing or improvisation. The perfect way to greet Guests, a windproof script folder, the way the unity candle is lit - every detail of the ceremony is done according to established standards.

Our celebrants know solutions to all possible situations that may occur on the wedding day - we pass on to them everything we have experienced over the last 8 years. And believe me, there is a lot of it!

fot. Norbert Adamczyk

Our masters of ceremony

We are mindful of the needs of international couples. Therefore our team includes celebrants who speak English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Latvian and Arabic