We organize and conduct humanist weddings all over Poland and abroad. Here we explain how it works!
Personal ceremony which has to be preceded with proper preparation
For a humanist wedding to melt the hearts of you and your Guests, an individual approach is necessary. At the beginning of our cooperation, we can arrange a meeting or a video call to get to know each other better. Then we provide you with our own original tool - Personal Wedding Planner. It's the biggest text catalogue available in Poland, full of literary pieces to be used during the ceremony, as well as verified technical arrangements. Everything you will find there is based on years of experience!
Thanks to our Wedding Planner, which includes a detailed interview, your wedding will be enriched by your love story, as well as a few words about your passions, plans and dreams. We sincerely encourage you to include these elements in the ceremony - next to vows, they are the most personal and touching parts of the event. And there are fun moments too!
We prepare a script based on your answers and choices in the planner. We adjust and modify the text and the form of the ceremony until you are fully satisfied with the end result. In the process of preparing the script, we work with you directly - thanks to that we have the certainty that the ceremony will be just the way you dreamed it.
Sounds good? Contact us for more details:
See for yourself in which cases a humanist wedding is the perfect choice
fot. Vasco Images
Polish law does not provide a personal or emotional way for atheists and non-practicing believers to marry. Of course, you can choose a civil marriage, but its formula is very short and rigid - even with the good will of the official. A civil marriage ceremony usually lasts up to 7 minutes.
Have you been dreaming of an outdoor wedding? It often happens that, despite the law that obliges officials to conduct them, in practice it's almost impossible - the Civil Registry Office often conducts ceremonies outdoors only on selected days of the week or up until a specific time. There's no such problem with a humanist wedding. The ceremony may take place anytime, anywhere - on Thursday, at the top of a mountain or on the beach.
fot. Vasco Images
fot. Gabriel Fotograf
We love meeting other cultures and incorporating languages in our ceremonies. Almost half of our weddings are international! You're Polish, the Groom is Italian, your family lives in Belgium and only speak French? No problem, been there, done that!
When you ask us if we speak a certain language, the answer is usually "yes". Our celebrants speak: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latvian, Arabic and Hebrew. And Polish of course!
We also have a reliable method of conducting bilingual weddings, guaranteed to maintain the interest of all parties involved.
fot. Gabriel Fotograf
fot. Marta Kuczkowska
In some cases, there is strong pressure from the conservative part of the family or sometimes the elders to get married in a church - as tradition dictates. However, if you feel that this solution does not fit your perfect vision, considering a humanist wedding is worth a try.
Remember that your wedding day is essentially your day. Our Couples who got their way do not regret their decision. It often turns out that initially sceptical family members understand the idea afterwards and are happy to be a part of something so special!
If you want your ceremony to be personal, touching and fun - a humanist wedding is the perfect solution for you.
fot. Marta Kuczkowska
fot. AJEM stories
In Poland, LGBT cCples do not have the legal possibility to marry. However, nothing stands in the way of organizing a beautiful ceremony that will be significant to you, your family and friends. During the ceremony you can sign a partnership agreement, which allows you to obtain some of the rights usually reserved for married couples. We even cooperate with a notary who specializes in such contracts.
Sometimes we also meet Couples who have already legalized their relationship abroad. In these cases a humanist wedding in Poland is a great idea to celebrate this joyous event with family and friends!
Zobacz: Ślub dla LGBT
fot. AJEM stories
So are humanist weddings meant only for humanists? No, they are for people.
After all, you could be quantum physicists and still want a personal, emotional ceremony.
Set a date at the registry office - you can choose a completely different date than the day of your humanist ceremony. Most of our couples marry earlier, but there is nothing preventing you from doing it later or on the same day in the morning. All you have to do is go to the registry office with your Witnesses and make official statements in their presence. If you wish to inform the Guests about that, the master of ceremony will tell everyone that you are formally married during the ceremony. We can also conduct a humanist wedding combined with a civil ceremony - if the official agrees to that.
During the ceremony, you can promise each other eternal love and affection by a wide range of vows we have prepared. But words written by yourself, from the heart... that will surely make the ceremony even more unique. You can't seem to find the right words? No problem, we are happy to help you in the process of creating your vows. Just tell us what you want to say. You can even use bullet points 🙂
Oczywiście w ślubie humanistycznym można zawrzeć tradycyjne elementy – takie jak wymiana obrączek czy podpis pamiątkowego aktu. I zazwyczaj to robimy. Ale proponujemy również dodatkowe rytuały – a Hawaiian sand ceremony, handfasting ritual, or lighting a unity candle. We're also open for your ideas!
Whether you need us to adjust the script, share some suggestions of additional texts, collect speeches or consult ideas... we are there for you until the Big Day. There has been a last minute change before the ceremony? No problem, just in case, before the wedding, we will once again confirm all information and pass it on to the celebrant.
Once everything is settled and the details about the place and time of the ceremony are confirmed, the master of ceremony is on his way! We are not afraid of muddy forests, rocky paths and sandy beaches - we have all that figured out. We are available for you everywhere, even abroad!
Are you planning a wedding? Contact us and ask what we have to offer:
fot. Ania Margoszczyn
Our personal observations suggest that a humanist ceremony can be the most important element of the entire wedding day, and for the invited Guests it is a completely new, unforgettable experience. The possibility to write your own vows, that come right from the heart, gives the ceremony a unique, individual character and adds a strong sense of importance to the promises you make. A schematic wedding at the registry office is often not a sufficient expression of your love so we have better solutions for you.
Guests who were previously sceptical of this form of wedding are usually very moved after the ceremony. We often hear things like: "Are you a friend of the newlyweds? You spoke so beautifully about them! " A humanist wedding allows you to create this unique kind of personal ceremony.
We can enrich your ceremony even more!
During your wedding day, we can also take care of translations and coordinate the evening in a foreign language. We are especially useful during international weddings - we welcome you at the venue, invite you to use the available attractions, we translate toasts and conversations for your Guests from abroad.
This is very important especially when your parents cannot communicate with each other in one language. Since we are at your wedding already, we will be happy to stay and help with these matters too! The translator can work in close collaboration with a DJ or a band.
Our violinist Agnieszka has been cooperating with us for years now, and together we perfectly synchronise the music with what happens during the ceremony - we understand each other without words.
We can provide musical setting for the ceremony. The violinist will play any song of your choosing - not only classics, but also string interpretations of contemporary wedding hits.
If you are interested in our offer, please contact us using the form below:
We are available from 9 to 5 on business days:
She is not only a celebrant but also a person who is always there for you, she will advise you until your wedding day. Don't hesitate to contact her - she will be happy to answer all your questions! We encourage you to use the contact form: